Our Story


Created to nurture the young child's unfolding growth and development, Rosebud Garden at Kimberton Waldorf School offers a unique and intentional environment where the young child's head, heart, hands and soul are nourished. Young children are budding human beings growing everyday towards full development. We, the adults in their lives, are charged with providing the necessary foundation for this development to happen in a healthy way. When we receive the young child in reverence, we witness in awe and wonder their unfolding capacities as developing human beings who will one day change this world.  Transform the child, transform ourselves, transform the world!

Farmhouse Manna


Kimberton Waldorf School is dedicated to nurturing the developing child in accordance with the educational principles of Rudolf Steiner and building a supportive, diverse community around the children. The school fosters the unfolding individuality of each child by awakening the child’s capacity to meet the world, others and the self, with warmth of heart, clarity of thought, and strength of purpose.

For more information, visit www.kimberton.org.

Farmhouse Manna

Courtney Diener-Stokes, Chinyelu Kunz and Seneca Shahara Brand


C h i n y e l u  K u n z  was a Waldorf preschool teacher for 25 years before creating We Nurture Collective, her online platform. She launched her website www.wenurturecollective.com, which includes her podcast episodes, Instagram posts, blog, parenting coaching support, and mentoring for early childhood educators. Her mission is to make easily accessible advice and guidance about parenting and caregiving in the early years through the lens of Waldorf education. In September 2020, Chinyelu became a Board Member of LifeWays North America. She is also the proud mother of three Waldorf graduates.

C o u r t n e y  D i e n e r - S t o k e s  is a Waldorf parent, award-winning journalist, author and food writer. In addition to co-authoring “Farmhouse Manna: Recipes and Rituals for Head, Heart, Hands & Soul”, she co-authored the “Kimberton Whole Foods Cookbook: A Family History with Recipes”. Previously, she was a producer at ABC News and MTV Networks in New York City. Growing up on a farm in Pennsylvania fostered her passion for supporting local agriculture and love of homegrown food. Today, Diener-Stokes lives in the Oley Valley countryside with her husband and three children.

S e n e c a  S h a h a r a  B r a n d  is a freelance photographer, a psychological and intuitive counseling astrologer, an emerging anthroposophist, and a Waldorf parent for 13 years. She greatly values all the nourishment received through Mother Nature, particularly good, wholesome, natural foods, sacred resonance, and beauty. In her work, she strives to reflect these divine vibrations with love.